Blog Posts

K.I.S.S. faith healing inspiration resilience self love spiritual connection transformation Sep 15, 2021

It's so funny that this phrase seems to have arrived within every aspect of my life. It popped up in a reading, and I didn't even remember it's universal meaning--Keep It Simple Stupid. Not the I...

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To Hold The World alignment faith inspiration spiritual connection spirituality Feb 13, 2021

Within you exists the creator of all that you interpret within your reality. And that creator works within and through you to express itself into the world. We cannot separate ourselves from that...

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Walking the Path of Jesus faith inspiration self love self realization spirituality Dec 26, 2018

These are the words and images that flooded my head this morning, as I feel and see that my body is enveloped in a layer of golden light. 

“There is that edge to reach beyond. To...

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