Blog Posts

Recalibrating You’re Faith in Self: “Life’s A Powerful Journey” life purpose personal transformation resilience self love self realization spirituality Apr 21, 2022

I was wallowing in a bit of a funk the other day, due to the experiences that life has presented me with the past year. Both consciously and unconsciously, I was allowing myself to be defined by...

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Being an Entrepreneur of Life faith life purpose self love spiritual connection spirituality transformation Nov 05, 2021

“To succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to move away from the herd and develop the habit of thinking independently.” 

True. If your attempting to do the same thing as everyone...

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Reweaving our story. alignment community faith life purpose resilience self love spirituality Jun 13, 2020


[So I woke up this morning and automatically wrote this, and in meditation saw a reflection of myself on the surface of a rippling pool of water. I stared at my image for what seemed like...

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Living In-between Beginnings and Endings faith life purpose manifestation spirituality Sep 03, 2019

One day I was asking God a question about the manifestation of our desires. And I was told that what we are attempting to manifest in any given moment, is not as important as the journey taken to...

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