Blog Posts

Recalibrating You’re Faith in Self: “Life’s A Powerful Journey” life purpose personal transformation resilience self love self realization spirituality Apr 21, 2022

I was wallowing in a bit of a funk the other day, due to the experiences that life has presented me with the past year. Both consciously and unconsciously, I was allowing myself to be defined by...

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A Message from Gaia community self realization spirituality transformation Dec 31, 2018

I received this message directly from Gaia while attending a Myofascial Release Therapy training in Sedona, AZ in 2015. We were given an assignment to fulfill on our lunch break, to connect with...

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Walking the Path of Jesus faith inspiration self love self realization spirituality Dec 26, 2018

These are the words and images that flooded my head this morning, as I feel and see that my body is enveloped in a layer of golden light. 

“There is that edge to reach beyond. To...

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